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Pediatric Craniofacial Program

Pediatric Craniofacial Program

Combining Pediatric Neurosurgery and Plastic Surgery

In the craniofacial program at Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital, patients are primarily managed by both a pediatric neurosurgeon and plastic surgeon. Patients are seen jointly by a pediatric neurosurgeon and pediatric plastic surgeon in our office. All surgeries are performed together in a multidisciplinary fashion.

Treatment for Craniosynostosis

At birth the skull consists of multiple thin bones that are separated by flexible fibrous spaces called sutures. Over time, those sutures grow together and the bones fuse to form a hard skull. Sometimes these sutures fuse together too early, which gives rise to a condition called craniosynostosis. Early fusion of the sutures can lead to an abnormal head shape and a possible increase in pressure within the head. Abnormal head shape can be caused by positional molding, called plagiocephaly, in which outside forces cause flattening of the thin skull bones early in life. Acquired plagiocephaly may be more likely if a baby has difficulty turning his or her head to one side due to tight neck muscles, a condition called torticollis.

Surgeries offered include endoscopic suturectomy, in which a small incision is used to remove bone in a thin strip along sutures where the bone has prematurely fused, and cranial vault remodeling in which asymmetric bone is removed temporarily, reshaped, and then replaced using absorbable plates and screw. Cranial software is used to model the final results of the surgery and is shared with families in advance of the surgery.

Through an affiliation with the Hanger Clinic, head measurements (craniometrics) can be performed in the office at the first visit. A cap similar to a shower cap is placed on the baby’s head to obtain the measurements. These measurements can be used for initial diagnosis and for tracking changes over time. Helmet therapy can be used to improve head shape due to plagiocephaly or after suturectomy surgery.

Conditions We Treat

  • Positional (acquired) plagiocephaly
  • Sagittal craniosynostosis
  • Coronal craniosynostosis
  • Metopic craniosynostosis
  • Lambdoid craniosynostosis
  • Multiple suture craniosynostosis
  • Apert’s syndrome
  • Crouzon’s syndrome
  • Pfeiffer’s syndrome
  • Scalp and skull lesions
  • Dermoid cyst
  • Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis
  • Pediatric Craniofacial, Cleft and Congenital Anomalies

Contact Us

Phone: 914.775.5437
Fax: 914.650.5437

19 Bradhurst Avenue
Suite 3050 N
Hawthorne, NY 10532
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19 Baker Avenue
Medical Arts Pavilion
Suite 301
Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
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Muh, Carrie R., MD
Carrie Muh, MD
Division Chief, Pediatric Neurosurgery,
Surgical Director of Pediatric Epilepsy Program,
Surgical Director of Pediatric Neuro-vascular Program,
Surgical Co-Director of Craniofacial Program
  • Pediatrics, Pediatric Neurosurgery
Pisapia, Jared M., MD
Jared Pisapia, MD
Attending Pediatric Neurosurgeon,
Surgical Director of Pediatric Neuro-Oncology Program,
Surgical Director of Peripheral Nerve Surgery Program,
Surgical Co-Director of Craniofacial Program
  • Pediatrics, Pediatric Neurosurgery
Zellner, Elizabeth G., MD
Elizabeth Zellner, MD
Attending Surgeon, Plastic Surgery
Division of Plastic Surgery
Department of Surgery
Assistant Professor, Plastic Surgery NY Medical College
  • Plastic Surgery
Belkin, Glenn J., DO
  • Pediatrics
DeSerres, Lianne M., MD
  • Otolaryngology
Grant, Christa N., MD
Christa Grant, MD
Attending Surgeon
Section of Pediatric Surgery, Department of Surgery
  • Surgery, Pediatric Surgery
  • Surgery
Hutcheson, Kelly A., MD
Kelly Hutcheson, MD
Director of Ophthalmology
Chairman of Ophthalmology
New York Medical College
  • Ophthalmology, Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Specialist
Kronn, David, MD
  • Medical Genetics, Clinical Genetics (M.D.)
Lando, Tali, MD
  • Otolaryngology
Mehta, Hasit, MD
Hasit Mehta, MD
Section Chief of Neuroradiology
  • Radiology, Neuroradiology
Merer, David M., MD
  • Otolaryngology
Ritter, Edmond F., MD
Edmond Ritter, MD
Chief, Reconstructive and Plastic Surgery
Advanced Surgical Associates
Department of Surgery
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
  • Plastic Surgery
Scherr, Jennifer A., MD
  • Pediatrics
Stidham, Katrina R., MD
  • Otolaryngology, Otology & Neurotology

William Deegan, MD