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Ultrasound pictures and cardiac imaging are used to answer difficult clinical questions about our patients. High-resolution echocardiography often eliminates the need for riskier, invasive and more complicated testing. Echocardiograms use high-frequency sound waves to create real-time images along with Doppler-derived physiologic data. Since the procedure is non-invasive and painless, it can be performed in almost any venue (e.g. outpatient, bedside or operating room) to clearly define ventricular function, anatomic defects and hemodynamics.

Our studies are digitally acquired into a central computer archive, making review and analysis easier and more precise, while allowing Web transfer. Each imaging suite in our network of centers is child friendly with a television and VCR/DVD players to comfort our patients during their procedures.

Our newest cutting-edge technology includes real-time three-dimensional imaging. These acquired volume sets can be manipulated on or off-line to allow evaluation in all views and planes. This technique allows doctors to "peel away" an outer layer of heart and look inside from any vantage point to evaluate valve function, wall defects and other problems. Three-dimensional images facilitate precise surgical planning since our non-invasively acquired images now represent what our surgeons actually see.