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Child Abuse Education and Prevention

The Division of Academic General Pediatrics contributes to regional efforts to educate parents and care-providers on how to identify, prevent and intervene in child abuse.

  • Hudson Valley Shaken Baby Prevention Initiative
    The Hudson Valley Shaken Baby Prevention Initiative, funded through the New York State Office for Children and Family Services, involves 22 hospitals in 8 counties within the Hudson Valley region. This project delivers standardized educational information to caregivers of infants regarding stress reduction and anger management, focusing on prevention of shaking injuries through several venues.

  • Supportive Child Abuse Network (SCAN Team)
    The Supportive Child Abuse Network (SCAN Team) is a group of trained and dedicated social workers, doctors, nurses, and others from multiple disciplines working at the Maria Fareri Children's Hospital. The team meets on a regular basis to provide education, support and oversight of child abuse and neglect cases using a family-oriented approach.

    The Maria Fareri Children's Hospital serves as a referral hub for child abuse and neglect for the Hudson Valley Region. Our forensic pediatric and social work team provides family-centered care to children and adolescents facing issues of child abuse and neglect. Our supportive Child Advocacy Team works closely with representatives from law enforcement and child protective services, as well as with the Children's Advocacy Center at the Westchester Institute for Human Development. This multi-disciplinary model ensures maximum coordination of services with minimal trauma to children and families. The program provides ongoing education and training to community and hospital professionals regarding issues of child abuse and neglect.