Date Published: Monday, March 18, 2019
Date Updated: Monday, July 18, 2022
Meet Children's Miracle Network Hospitals National Champions, Shane and Eli Williams from Woodbourne, NY
Shane and Eli Williams, from Woodbourne, NY, survived third-degree burns and serious fractures after an off-road vehicle accident. Thanks to their bravery and the timely care they received at Maria Fareri Children's Hospital, the Williams brothers have made a phenomenal recovery.

When Shane and Eli were admitted to Maria Fareri Children's Hospital, they underwent multiple surgeries. Shane had suffered a shattered eye socket and a broken nose. He also had a 4-inch wound on his right arm where his bone was exposed. He underwent surgery to replace the missing tissue on his arm, and then had skin grafts to address the burns on both of his knees. Eli sustained burns to a large part of his body. Eli's burns, like Shane's, were due to his ejection from the UTV and sliding down the road for 450 feet. After surgery, he was wrapped from head to toe unable to use his fingers or bend at his elbows. He was completely bedridden.
"The hospital was amazing," said Shane and Eli's mother, Jennifer. "Since Eli was a burn patient, he was first assigned to a room on the burn unit floor. But the hospital took into consideration that my husband and I were there with both of our boys and allowed Eli to be on the trauma floor at the end of the hall from Shane. As physicians visited, they would be patient and wait for my husband or I to run down the hallway from the other boy's room to be present and hear their latest assessment."
According to Jennifer, "Eli is a ball of energy and has so much enthusiasm for life. As Eli recovered from his injuries and learned to walk again, he was off! He was seen in the hospital pushing his own wheelchair. We would laugh with the nurses telling them they better discharge him, because he was going to run the place soon. Eli is doing great today. Shane is definitely more laid back. The accident took a lot out of him and he internalized a lot of what happened. He took responsibility for the accident. It took him a long time to realize that we were not mad at him for what happened. Shane continues to have medical concerns. He suffered damage to his frontal lobe from the accident and is being treated for seizures. Every time he has a seizure, it is a reminder of the trauma. We are continuing to adjust to our new normal. We take time, though, to be grateful that they are still alive."
The entire family continues to heal day by day. Jennifer confessed that she cries when she talks about the experience: "I cry because it happened...and I cry because I hear over and over in my head first responders talk about how they should not have survived. I am thankful."
We, at Maria Fareri Children's Hospital, are also thankful for the amazing recovery Shane and Eli have made. And we are honored that these young, brave brothers were selected as Children's Miracle Network Hospitals 2019 National Champions.